Some call it the witches’ cottage, others the haunted cabin, or haunted house. It doesn’t matter what you call it, its been a Davidson Lake campfire story for 60 plus years. As a kid, it was a tradition, almost a right of passage to walk out to this spot at dusk. It was cool, it was scary, and it had all of the elements that childhood memories are founded on. But what do we know about this legend?
The original setting had 3 small cabins, the main house and a large boat house built on the beach. We know that in July of 1952, the owners of this property, Mr. and Mrs. M Allen Ryan drowned in the lake boating materials to this site. As devastating as this is, their legacy carries on with countless childhood memories and annual visits stemming from the 50’s all through today.
Stories of parties, gatherings, annual corn boils and swims on the sandy beach are peppered throughout our community. Over time, the property has lost several of its notable elements such as the bedframe, the piano and the buildings, but the fireplace has always remained. This property has seen the best of the lake and shown us how we can always gather together. As a kid, this place was the coolest, and there is not one member of this community over the decades that doesn’t have a story or two about this legend.

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