Ice Watch 2017!

Hi Folks – Happy New Year to you all!  As per previous years, we’re starting the guesses on when the ice will fully melt out of the lake.  By way of ‘comment’ below, provide us with your best guess.  Deadline for your guess is March 31, rules as follows:

  1. One guess per person
  2. Dates are on a first come first serve basis, no duplication will be accepted
  3. Ice is considered “out” when the balck float in front of Ken Donald’s home is free of ice or is moved by the ice.

Good luck everybody 🙂



  1. Nancy Wilkins Keetch

    May 11:)

  2. Laura Saunders

    I will pick April 13 as the date for the ice to go out.

  3. Don Niles

    April 30th

  4. Martha Kitchen

    I pick April 15th.

  5. marlene wood

    I pick April 21st

  6. Roger Schwartz

    April 14 (just before noon)

  7. Gladys Lacey-House

    April 27

  8. Jean Russell

    I pick April 19, 2017

  9. Jill Mersereau

    April 16

  10. Chris McCartney

    May 1st !

  11. Noralynn Carr

    April 1

  12. Shelly Delbridge

    I pick April 21 as my date.

  13. John prime

    April 20

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