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Annual Fundraiser

Our Fundraiser has reached the $7000 point, getting us closer to our goal of $15,630. Thank you to all those who have donated so far. This money to the Association pays for the maintenance of our roads and other initiatives around the lake. Donations can be made by e-transfer to If you prefer to donate via cash or cheque, contact any of the directors know and we will be happy to meet with you to collect. All donations over $20 will receive a free Davidson Lake Directory.

Name That Trail

The Davidson Lake Association has been working at building and maintaining a network of nature trails for Davidson Lakers to enjoy. This year we’re holding a ‘Name That Trail’ competition so we can mark and label these trails. Below you will find a map of our summer trail network. If you have a suggested name for these, please submit your suggestion to with your name, contact info, the colour trail your are naming (red, green, blue) and your proposed name. You can submit as many suggestions as you like. The committee will be announcing these at our Annual General Meeting on July 6th.

We will be continuing grooming these trails on Saturday, May 18th starting at 9am and are looking for volunteers to help with this effort. I will send more details as the date gets close, but in the meantime we look forward to seeing you there!

Welcome to Summer 2023!!

Our 2023 summer fundraising is now underway, starting with a huge yard sale hosted at Dumfries Maples, and organized by Diane Upshall. Thank you to Diane and Team! Our Directors will be making their way around the lake to hand out pamphlets to let you know about upcoming events and what we fundraise for. There is also information on how to donate, should you wish to help. Every donation will get you a free Davidson Lake Directory! If you’re not at your camp, the info is below. Thank you in advance for considering of your donations

How can you donate?

We now take e-transfer and you can send your donation to: . Please use the password Davidson, or be sure to let us know your password of choice.  Or, contact us at the same email to arrange cash or check drop off.

Member Events

Annual General Meeting

On July 8th  at 10:30 am, we will be hosting our Annual General Meeting., at the Sandy Cove Bible Camp.  This is an opportunity for you to raise any questions or comments and hear directly from your Association on the status of our initiatives.

Annual Hot Dog Social

Following the AGM, we will be hosting our 2nd annual Hot Dog Social, sponsored by Sandy Cove Bible Camp.  where you canmeet your neighbours  and enjoy a complementary lunch.  This is also our annual fundraising. Everyone that donates before or during this event will be entered into a draw for prizes. Thank you to the Sandy Cove Bible Camp for their generous hospitality!

Annual Corn Boil

In August we help sponsor an annual Corn Boil in memory of one of our past residents.  There will be live music, friendship and another opportunity to meet members of your community.  Details will be shared as the event gets closer.

Our Initiatives

Road Maintenance

Our roads are maintained byyour donations only.  The work we do includes grading, culvert repair and replacement, and annual clearing to prepare for snow removal.

Garbage and Recycle Shed

These sheds are maintained by your donations to the association.  The sheds allow garbage to be centralized, it and helps keep animals away from rummaging though garbage bags and creating a mess.  Thank you for helping us work together to keep these structures clean and tidy.

NBALA Membership

Your association belongs to the Alliance of Lake Associations (NBALA).  Our paid membership allows us to join several lakes in the area to have a solid voice with the Province.  With our partners,, we’ve been able to establish the Clean, Drain, Dry program, the Invasive Plant Patrol, and the purchase of equipment for water testing.  This year, we will be receiving a report summarizing the water testing data of our lake collected over the past eight years.  This report will provide a summary of the condition of our lake and a comparison of Davidson Lake to eight other lakes in the area.  To date, there have been no major concerns and that is thanks to your continued efforts to use phosphate free and organic products.

Weekend Activities

Last year we launched weekend nature activities for the young, and young at heart.  Currently, there are 3 planned dates:  July 8, July 29 and August 19.  If anyone has any ideas or would like to offer an education session, please let us know! 

Looking for Feedback!

The Davidson Lake Association met this week to start planning for the upcoming year. To help us in these efforts, we’re hoping you could take a few minutes to complete this survey. Thank you in advance for taking the time to let us know your opinions and suggestions!

Our Newly Protected Area

EXCITING NEWS!! Thank you to past president Ken Donald and Andy Morton for working with the provincial government, and receiving approval, to have the tract of land stretching from Loon Lane to the outlet and back to Route 2 now identified as a Nature Legacy protected area. This means that this area cannot be developed and can only be used for hiking and recreational use. This will help ensure the ongoing health of our lake for many years to come. We appreciate this fantastic effort for our community!

Annual Fundraiser

Our annual fundraiser is now underway. I hope many of you have been visited by our committee members and received one of our “Welcome to Summer” pamphlets. If not, please find one attached. This year, your kind donations will help us start the Invasive Plant Patrol, maintain our membership with the NBALA as well as continue to maintain our roads and garbage shed. They’re also going towards some of our community events, the first being this Saturday at Sandy Cove Bible Camp where there will be a draw for door prizes for everyone that’s contributed to date. If you would like to donate, you can send an e-transfer to or directly to one of our executive. This year, your donation counts towards your membership, so you should only be visited once 🙂. If you’d like to wait to donate at the hotdog social, no problem, we will have receipt books there. Looking forward to seeing everyone, and thank you so much for helping keep our lake safe for the community!

Click here for Pamphlet

Davidson Lake Association AGM

Our Annual General Meeting will be held on Saturday, August 21st at 11:00am the Dumfries Firehall. For those that would like to attend but cannot be there in person, please email and we will be happy to provide you with a zoom login for this session. Hope to see you there!

Exciting Opportunity for our Young Members!

Please see attached notice from the NBALA Lake Association outlining an opportunity for our youth to get involved in our lake environmental efforts by asking them to contribute a creative design project that involves maintaining lake health.5 project proposals and individuals who are chosen will be provided compensation in exchange for their design as a part of our “Youth Ambassadorship” program. Interested individuals are asked to contact Briana Cowie ( by February 5th with their project ideas. Details are enclosed in the attached announcement. Good luck to everyone that participates! Looking forward to all of your creative ideas

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