Our Organization was formed to focus on the betterment of Davidson Lake and its environment. In many jurisdictions throughout North America, problems of healthy water in lakes and watersheds have been addressed in Lake Associations like ours. In New Brunswick, there are over a dozen such Associations, in Maine, there are 163.

Items that can impact the watershed include:

  • Changes in water level due to human and natural influences
  • Extension of roadways around the lakesure
  • development of new lakeshore lots
  • new and increasing use of septic systems
  • deterioration of existing septic systems
  • use of insecticides and pesticides adjacent to the lake
  • erosion of the lakeshore
  • human-induced changes to shoreline features
  • irresponsible use of motorized aquatic craft and boats
  • possible increase in the amount of phosphates and nitrogen in groundwater
  • tree cutting adjacent to the lakeshore
  • staking of mineral claims that could lead to mine development

Frequently Asked Questions